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Case Histories 

Court of Appeal Cases 
Live Cases 

Anver Daud Sheikh [ 2004 ] . The Sheikh case was the start of a chain of Historic Appeals which turned the tide back against the Great Children Home Panic of the 1990's . In Sheikh Solicitor Mark Newby was able to conduct a forensic investigation to show that the allegations made by one of the complainants could not be true . The Crown did not oppose the appeal . 


R v L [ 2005 ] . CCRC Referral on Clarification of Law in relation to consecutive and Extended Sentences . 


Anver Daud Sheikh [ 2006 ] . The Second Appeal showing our dogged determination even after a re-trial led to the establishment of principles over when cases should be stayed due to missing documentation . As a reuslt of our work Mr Sheikh was finally returned home not to face proceedings again .


Robson [ 2006 ] . Historical Care Home Case involving several defendants in which Mark Newby of QS Jordans appeared as Junior Counsel led by Mark Barlow . All allegations save for a minor offence leading to a conditional discharge were achieved after a 3 month Trial . In the appeal further important guidance was achieved on how Judges should direct in complex Instituional abuse cases . 


Wake [ 2008 ] . Historical Care Home Case dealing with the principals of J and the Crowns illegal charging of Indecent Assault in Unlawful Sexual Intercourse Cases . Conviction quashed . 


Joynson [ 2008 ] . Notable Historic Care Home Case featured on Radio 4 File on 4 Documentary on False memories . Case demonstrated false nature of allegations and that complainants may have false memories . All Convictions quashed by constitution including Lord Chief Justice . 


R v Mackreth [ 2009 ] . Guidance from Court of Appeal on approach to Delay in Historic Care Home Cases . 


R v H [ 2010 ] . Domestic Historic Case . Law on Doli incopax on Historic Cases Clarified in relation to direcitons still required to Jury . 


R v F [ 2010 ] . Sexual Offences quashed in gential deformity case where Court accepted Defence Counsel had adopted inadeqaute cross examination of the issue . 


R v S [ 2010 ] . IPP Sentence for Sexual Offences quashed and replaced with determinate sentence . 


R v X [ 2012 ] . Historic Conviction quashed in respect of inadequate directions on recent complaint evidence . 


R v S , B , C & R  [ 2012 ] . Sexual Offences quashed on basis gynaecological evidence from Prosecution and Defence Experts found to be faulty . 

Ali , Dennis , George , Lawless & Tunbridge v Secretary of State for Justice [ 2012 ] . Only successful challenge in test cases on Governments Failure to pay miscarriage of Justice Compensation 








Court of Appeal 


Nealon - CCRC Referral on Sexual Offence . Evidence uncovered which suggests that DNA on complainants clothing is attributable to an unknown male and not Victor Nealon  [ Awaiting Listing ] 


R v D - CCRC Referral on Care Home Case based on Non-Disclosure , Changes in Law and Missing Documentation . [ Directions Heard and Final Hearing due in Autumn ] 


Sexual Offence Cases - Gynaecological Evidence - Several Cases at the Permission Stage . Not our policy to list on site until permission granted . 


Current Crown Court Work 


Multiplle Car Home and Domestic Cases listed across Uk including Eastbourne , Swansea , Newcastle , Sheffield , Lincoln , Manchester . 


Many of our cases proceed to Not Guilty Verdicts or Stayed before Trial Takes place . See for example
















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